Saturday, June 28, 2008

Isaac Is Thriving in North Carolina

I just heard from a family that fed Isaac dinner tonight. Sister Young was very complimentary about Isaac. She said it was the first time they had gotten a brand new missionary. She referred to Isaac as a cheerleader. He must be very enthusiastic. His mission area is large and very mountainous. He is in a car and he has a bike. Isaac is living with the 2nd counselor from the Marion Ward of the Ashville Stake. He is obviously happy and thriving.
-Reported by Isaac’s Mom

Friday, June 20, 2008

MTC Companions - June 2008

Elder Briggs and Elder Isaac Larsen

The Larsen Siblings at the MTC-June 2008

Sister Paige Larsen and Elder Isaac Larsen

Elder Larsen's MTC District

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beginning the MTC Experience

Sister Paige Larsen and Elder Isaac Larsen were escorted to the MTC in Provo, Utah by Margot, Bryan, Peter, and Cooper.

Sister Paige Larsen, Margot & Elder Isaac Larsen

Margot, Peter, Cooper, and Bryan

Elder Isaac Larsen
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Just Before Entering the MTC

Sister Paige Larsen and Elder Isaac Larsen draw your attention to the sign announcing their arrival at the MTC.
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Walking to the MTC

Paige and Isaac entered the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on June 4, 2008. They were very excited and the rain did not deter their sunny dispositions.

Sister Paige Larsen

Elder Isaac Larsen
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