Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter from Sister Larsen-Oakton, VA

Hello My Loved Ones,
My Companion is on her fourth transfer and this is her second transfer being senior. In her letter from President Wixom, right before the transfer last week, it said that we’re going to bless each other. She’s a ballet dancer who loves math, is going to be a nurse practitioner and she’s taken calculus classes for fun. She says that my personality is like one of her sisters. We’re getting along really well.

The ward we’re over is really missionary oriented and has only 20 less active/non-active members. I’m going to get to ride a bicycle every once in awhile because the area is big, and we try to be good on miles.

My companion takes Adderal (AD/HD meds), and she says that if I have AD/HD it’s not bad. So I’m going to try to eat more Omaga-3s in my diet. She’s taken many classes and she says that’s what makes the chemical relays go faster. Flax loses its nutrients very fast, and I would have to grind it myself for it to be of any real value. Also, I work hard during exercise time in the morning.

Isaac does riding your bike 30-45 miles a day help your brain a lot?

Oh, I sang a duet with one of the returning missionaries the Thursday after transfers at the departing missionary fireside, and my new companion played the piano. The song is in the primary song book, I think it’s on page 182. It’s a four page song for leaders. I sang soprano for all and descant only on the third verse. I was told that Sister Wixom cried afterwards. A line was changed in the 3rd verse, something like, “When they are …grown” (can’t remember because I didn’t sing it) to “When they are on their own.” And I’ll get taught from Sister Linda Pain while I’m here. She’s really sought after as a voice teacher.

If I had the spiritual gift of empathy how do I deal with it? I’m still trying to figure out if I do or what.

Sister Larsen.

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Transfer-Elder Isaac Larsen

My area is the Tanglewood area. Sounds pretty gangster, huh? Paige got switched fast. I was only with my trainer three months, and four ½ months is standard. I love it here. I’ve already grown, and my comp is the coolest! We’ve already decided to become samurai after the mission and battle. I’m a little bummed I left my last area so soon because we had 17 baptismal dates, and I didn't get to see any of them.

Oh, I need new pants! Tear…tear. I badly destroyed a pair of pants from my blue suit when I had a bike accident. My knees hurt pretty badly, but it will go away. I’m tough. I kept tapping my Comp’s back wheel when we were riding, and I said, “Stop! Stop!” I didn't stop. Then I went over my handle bars, and rolled down a hill. It was pretty hilarious. We still laugh about it. Then later I crashed in the street on the curb somehow. I don’t know how that one happened. It was really fast, but long story short, I need new pants.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Letter from Sister Larsen-Oakton, VA

Hello…Did you know that winter is coming?
We’re starting to cool down over here. Today’s in the 60’s.
Since Monday I’ve been in a triple with a Sister who is finishing her mission on Friday (cause that’s the day they’re put on the plane). Her name is Melanie Parry, and she’s from Alpine Utah. She’s going to be a middle school English teacher. Her trainee went home on a plane at 4pm Monday because she’s been having some yet to be diagnosed problems, and because her mom has MS. They weren’t going to wait to send her home. So Sister Parry and Sister Clark (her trainee) are planning on hanging out on Saturday. I told Sister Parry about Prop 8, and she wants to spend a few weeks in California helping by knocking on doors. She wants to take some friends and go live at one of her old companion’s parent’s homes. So Sister Parry may be calling you to get more information, not that she’d be staying with you, but to be informed. If you could get her connected, that would be great.
I’m being transferred to another ward in the Oakton Zone in the Oakton Stake. It is called the Oakton Ward, and it is only covered by Sisters. We live with an amazing voice teacher and her Husband. I went on a 24 hour transfer over there. She’s 70 and has no warble.
On Tuesday we found a man that was so ready. Sister Parry said it was like a skills practice at District Meetings. We asked him how to find the truth? He answered, “If I understand the question, in the Bible it talks about fruits of the spirit, and that ‘by their fruits ye shall know them.’ (It’s great to be in this triple.) But he wouldn’t set up a return appointment. He said he wanted to read first, and then he’d call. A good sign: right after we parked on his street to tract and we were about to pray, the Elders pulled on the street. We talked, and then they were inspired to tract a different street.
I love you all. I got the printout of Grandma’s blog yesterday and haven’t even read all of it. The envelope was so thick.
I know that every step we take in the right direction makes everything we do clearer. In that exact obedience brings the blessings from heaven down. I’m getting closer.
Love, Sister Larsen