Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter from Sister Larsen-Oakton, VA

Hello My Loved Ones,
My Companion is on her fourth transfer and this is her second transfer being senior. In her letter from President Wixom, right before the transfer last week, it said that we’re going to bless each other. She’s a ballet dancer who loves math, is going to be a nurse practitioner and she’s taken calculus classes for fun. She says that my personality is like one of her sisters. We’re getting along really well.

The ward we’re over is really missionary oriented and has only 20 less active/non-active members. I’m going to get to ride a bicycle every once in awhile because the area is big, and we try to be good on miles.

My companion takes Adderal (AD/HD meds), and she says that if I have AD/HD it’s not bad. So I’m going to try to eat more Omaga-3s in my diet. She’s taken many classes and she says that’s what makes the chemical relays go faster. Flax loses its nutrients very fast, and I would have to grind it myself for it to be of any real value. Also, I work hard during exercise time in the morning.

Isaac does riding your bike 30-45 miles a day help your brain a lot?

Oh, I sang a duet with one of the returning missionaries the Thursday after transfers at the departing missionary fireside, and my new companion played the piano. The song is in the primary song book, I think it’s on page 182. It’s a four page song for leaders. I sang soprano for all and descant only on the third verse. I was told that Sister Wixom cried afterwards. A line was changed in the 3rd verse, something like, “When they are …grown” (can’t remember because I didn’t sing it) to “When they are on their own.” And I’ll get taught from Sister Linda Pain while I’m here. She’s really sought after as a voice teacher.

If I had the spiritual gift of empathy how do I deal with it? I’m still trying to figure out if I do or what.

Sister Larsen.