Monday, June 22, 2009

Elder Larsen—Email Excerpts

I love media referrals. I do. I really do. Give your friends a card for a free video, and make the day for a nice missionary. =]

I’m going to have some baptisms coming up. One for sure is Antonio. He did everything for baptism many months ago, but was on parole. We had to get permission from Salt Lake to baptize him, and we finally got it. So now all he has got to do is get a baptismal interview from President Hobbs.

We committed our next door neighbor to baptism and he accepted. It’s always in the place you least expect it! Oh well, the work is slower than it was. There is a lot more, “What should we do now Elder?” But the lessons that we do have are quality stuff.

We taught a lady the other day and the trinity came up. The lesson started out, “This is how it is,” then turned into “This is what they tell me,” then turned into “You're right, I don't believe it either.” It was funny. We are teaching them again tomorrow. I’ve got some sweet scriptures about becoming gods. (John 10:34, Psalms 82:6, Romans 8:16-17, and John 17:11)

I know this entry is kind of random, but I thought I’d write a longer entry. So stream of consciousness it is. It just so happens that the stream in my head has many turns and bends.

I met a man the other day. He was a homeless man that sat with me, and we talked. He said that he knew that drinking was bad, but that it wouldn’t be right to change until he was ready. I tried to convince him that repentance was his own choice. But he was one of those, “You’re young. What do you know?” kind of people. In the book of Timothy, I believe, it states, "Let no man despise you for your youth."
(1 Timothy 4:12 —Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. )
So I gave the old man a dollar, and told him to go to McDonalds.

I’m kind of loopy because I’m tired. My companion tells me I’m crazy, but when I start to teach I get in a teaching mode and I am completely different. So that’s good at least.