Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sister Paige Larsen—Email Excerpt

I will be receiving my new mission president and mission mom in the nest week. We're going to take Emma to the Washington DC Temple Visitors’ Center tomorrow before her baptism. The baptism is Thursday at 7:00pm. We had a really fun Zone activity today. We studied together, ate burgers and hotdogs, and played Ultimate Frisbee.

My companion and I have been working on being bolder in the past two weeks. Now we've given away 3 Books of Mormon. We've recited the first vision about the same amount of times. We may not be talking to many people, but we feel like we're in the right place at the right time.

We're teaching a 10-year-old girl of a member mom and a non-member dad. The girl has ADD so we need to make all the lessons interactive. We taught the Plan of Salvation first. We had drawn it out with colored permanent markers, and then cut it out into pieces for her to walk on. We had her literally walk through the Plan of Salvation. My companion had a sweater like mine, so she dirtied hers to represent before baptism. Then we gave the girls tools to use in life:
Faith—Flash Light
Repentance—First Aid Kit
Baptism—Bar of Soap (with clean sweater)
Gift of the Holy Ghost—Umbrella

Then when she was resurrected we gave her a white sweater to wear. The sweaters represented her body. She took the sweater off for death when she stepped onto the spirit world.