Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sister Paige Larsen—Email Excerpt

Is it going to be weird to have everyone either married, or on a mission in the Larsen family? By the way, on the subject of the Larsen Family, I have someone in the ward who keeps asking me about my Larsen ancestry. I really don’t even know cousins with the last name Larsen. Could you mail me the family tree on the Larsen side going back more than 4 generations? This member told me a story about a Larsen ancestor that went blind. Maybe that rings a bell. His father’s mother was a Larsen. His oldest child just graduated from High school.

Emma’s baptism was on Thursday. She got baptized twice. We asked a prospective Elder to baptize her. He’s getting ready to go on a mission, so it’s good experience for him. They already have a home teacher for the family.

The next baptism is on July 4th for a 19 year old man in the Marines. He’s coming up here to be baptized because he started being taught here before he went into the Marines. This is where his main fellowshipping family is. I was volunteered to give my first Baptism talk. Before if I got an assignment I sang, or gave a prayer in Spanish.