Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sister Paige Larsen—Email Excerpt

We are learning our area better. We haven’t been back to Maryland thus far on accident, since the first few days. Sister Arnett drives now and I work the map. It’s working out well. We just can’t play the music while I’m keeping track of the map, or I end up skipping a step/turn, thinking: “Oh we’re already on that road,” not: “We still need to turn on to that road.” Then my mind goes onto the next step thinking it’s already been done. It’s only happened 2 or 3 times though.

There’s a Sister that’s been coming out with us that already has her mission call to the bilingual mission of Carlsbad, CA. I was excited when I heard that she was going there. I assume that Oceanside is in that mission, right? Everyone in that mission gets called to speak Spanish because it’s so densely populated with Spanish speakers. Weather they’ll ever serve in a Spanish ward is another thing. She’s come with us to a few appointments thus far, and she’s so good. She came with us when we taught some Muslims, and then again to visit a 21-year-old girl who was raised Jewish and Baptist. The Muslim appointment went well. We’ll see if they kept all their commitments and if they’ve gotten an answer this Saturday.

Yesterday we had Zone Conference. It was so good!