Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I’m Driving Now!

My Companion’s name is Sara Jane Jordan. She fractured her ankle on Wednesday night. Her Fibula, the non-weight bearing bone, was broken at the nubby part of the ankle. She was walking off a sidewalk to a driveway, of a house we had just tracked, and didn’t see that it was a step down, and rolled her ankle. We heard it crack. We went home and she got a blessing from the member we stay with and his Home Teaching partner. Then on Thursday, her 22nd birthday, we went and had it x-rayed, she was given a partial cast so that the swelling would go down. Now she’s going to be put in a boot that she can take off to shower. That is, as soon as we get it.

We got a new investigator on Monday, and it was just me for awhile, because Sister Jordan had to catch up on her crutches. My first by myself (basically) investigator! We were walking to the car and I saw a man jogging, so I asked my comp if he was too far away. She said to go after him. I didn’t catch up to him, but I did travel quite a bit of parking lot, (maybe an 1 /8 of a mile) and got to a young woman who was just going out to her car to get something from the trunk. She’s the new investigator.

On Friday we were on “House Arrest” by the Mission Mom, and the one appointment that we got to go to we got a new investigator at! An Elder in our district called that a Sister Miracle :) . On Saturday Sister Pain, the lady of the home we stay in, gave me a bit of a voice lesson. I helped her record songs for one of her students on a voice recorder that was a bit too new-fangled for her. She opened it to 3 octaves, but she said that I have more than that. She said that I need to relax and push the sap (air) and not move the tree (me).