Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008 – Email from Elder Larsen

The work is going well. We started teaching a man with narcolepsy who used to be a truck driver. Oh and we started working with a less active member with a special son named Aden. He is very sweet. I don’t know the name of his specialness, but I had a lot of fun playing with him, while being careful not to pick him up because you know that’s against the rules.

I’m bold and I talk a lot about the apostasy and the restoration because if you don’t people think it’s just a Bible study, or they are all, “Why are you here?” I learned that in the MTC. I’m new, and my companion and I are leading the zone in a number of key indicators. One that’s not so good, and one we struggle with, is church attendance for members, non-members, and less actives. A lot of stuff that has worked for my trainer in other areas isn't working here. Do you have any suggestions about getting people to church?

Oh, and this was exciting the other day, a week or so ago, my companion drove into a ditch because he wasn't paying attention to my back up hand signals. And then yesterday I was signaling him, but he kept going into the bushes so I thought he wasn't paying attention. So I stopped signaling, which is when he apparently realized he needed hand signals, but seeing me signal nothing, he went back into a ditch, leaving the front wheel off the ground. Keep in mind it’s front-wheel drive. So I sat on the hood to give it traction, and he backed out of the ditch, dragging me through overhanging trees and bushes, and whatever was living in them. I continued to direct him backwards this time from the hood. In short, it was a good time.