Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4, 2008-Email from Elder Larsen

New Address
Elder Isaac Larsen
125 Cherokee Dr.
Marion, NC 28752

I moved and I’ll move again in three months. It’s just how they house the missionaries in this area. I’m up to 175lbs. and I haven't even moved a notch on my belt. I’m pretty strong. I split oak logs for 2 hours the other day, and didn't even slow down until the end. I’m like a tiny well-groomed mountain man. LOL.

It’s getting crazy hot. It’s like 95° and raining. That’s how humid it gets, but however much it rains it's not enough. We are in a drought, a very humid drought! Lots of people have gardens, but not like out west. They basically farm in their backyards. It’s like Mexico here, except different food, and most people are white. LOL. I do use my Spanish a lot for the small population of Hispanics, but it’s small to what I’m used to.

I’ve had a lot of missionary experiences this week. Every moment is one, but we are going to have a couple of baptisms on the 23rd of this month, and possibly more, but we’ll see. The work is good, and I’m learning and growing everyday. The people that are getting baptized are Andy and Tina. Andy quit school in the 9th grade and he has a real hard time reading. He has read part of the Book of Mormon, and knows it’s true, but he needs the Book of Mormon on CD. Pray that they well have an easy time accepting the commandments. I haven't taught the Word of Wisdom yet, but Andy asked for me to pray that he will be able to quit smoking, thumbs up there. They are beautiful people. Not a penny to their name, but he has a disability check coming.

My trainer’s name is Elder Sean Merrill, which is funny because I was with an Elder Merrill in the MTC. We will be together for about another seven weeks or so.

I’m glad you were able to get something out of my letters. It just goes to show you, you can learn from the most unlikely of sources. LOL. I learn everyday from the people we teach. Keep me in your prayers that I’ll get stronger on the bike because on some of those hills I feel like walking my bike. LOL.