Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008 – Letter from Sister Larsen

Where Sister Larsen is serving the weather is hot and humid. She writes, “I love my camelback water bottle. I bet Isaac really uses his camelback backpack since he’s on a bike.”

Where Sister Larsen is serving there are many people from around the world. She wrote, “My Stake is the one in the mission that has the little bit of Washington DC in it. So many people are here from around the world. People keep lists of the people they talk to, of what countries their from, and the list can be near a hundred. People are usually only here for a little bit, like for school or training for the government.”

Sister Larsen wrote, “I keep having to learn new ways to greet and hug people from other cultures. It’s nice when I know what I’m doing; otherwise it’s awkward.” Sister Larsen learned the custom for greeting people from Eritria. She writes, “In Eritria they hug gently and touch cheeks 3 times changing sides after each one.” Sister Larsen went on to explain that Eritria is a small country at war in Africa near the Middle East.

Paige posed this question, “Have you read, ‘Ask In Faith’ by Elder Bednar from last General Conference? Are you being missionaries? It is part of the baptismal covenant to stand as a witness at all times, in all places. Are you being an active witness?”

This link should take you to Elder Bednar’s talk from April 2008 General Conference:,5232,23-1-851-31,00.html