Monday, December 22, 2008

Elder Isaac Larsen—Email excerpt

I had an experience with following the spirit. It was getting late. It was around 8:00pm, an hour before curfew. Virginia Wall, a less active member, came to my mind, but instead of going to her house I thought about how little success I’ve had with less active members. Though honestly I had mostly only dealt with her non-member husband. Instead of visiting the Wall family, we went to visit an investigator that wasn’t home, and then some potential investigators who also were not home. Then her name came to my mind again, so we went by her home. When she came to the door she looked both touched and surprised. She was very ill, and was almost ready to drive to the hospital. Her member ex-husband was not available to give her a blessing. She prayed and then we showed up. Afterwards she said, "I’m coming to church on Sunday. Where is it?" She even said she would bear her testimony on Fast Sunday.

I have learned that miracles are not wrought just by faith, but also by faithfulness in following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Elder Isaac Larsen – Email Excerpt

We delivered a Book of Mormon the other day that a lady had ordered. The lady wasn't in a position to talk with us. She was fixing her hair, or something silly like that. However, we talked to her husband who didn't know anything about her ordering the book. We taught him a mini lesson just on the Book of Mormon, and he committed to reading and praying about it. When I read Moroni 10:3-5 he said, "Wow that’s powerful!" He was 66 years old and Baptist, but he was prepared to hear about the Book of Mormon! Next time we go I’m definitely giving him a baptismal date and he will accept it.

I’ve experienced something very interesting lately. The spirit prompted me to say something I had never learned. Later I found it in the scriptures when I was studying. That was an interesting experience, and I’m really starting to enjoy studying. I’ve been out almost 5 months, but I’m just starting to really enjoy it. LOL.

I started reading Jesus the Christ before my mission. I couldn't get into it. Now I can't put it down, and somehow the vocabulary is not an obstacle. I understand it! The Lord has blessed me. I had been praying that I would have my understanding expanded and my mind enlightened. Although when I prayed, the words I used were, “Help me to be smarter,” but it’s the same thing essentially.

I love the lord with all of my heart!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Loved Conference!

I loved General Conference. I’m so happy that I had the forethought to get a little notebook to take notes in. My favorite talks were:
Elder Uchtdorf: The Lord is the light that pierces through the darkness.
Elder Wirthlin: Learn to Laugh
*Elder Holland: Angels seen or unseen are usually sent to comfort and direct us.
Elder Christofferson: Give up the summer cottage in Babylon.
Elder Bednar: Meaningful prayers
Elder Iring: Speak well of each other
Elder Hales: Meekness is enduring injury without resentment
*Elaine S. Dalton: Return to virtue
President Monson: Find joy in the journey and express gratitude always
William D. Oswald (2nd councilor of the Sunday School General Presidency): Teaching is at the center of all we do.
Elder Cook: “I hope you know, I had a hard time.” We are all subject to hope and despair.
I didn’t take notes on the Relief Society broadcast because I forgot to bring anything to write on.

We did no tracking last week, and we got three new investigators. The Zone had a blitz in our area between Saturday conferences, and we got one investigator from that. We got two yesterday by having miracle timing, but they’re from Iraq. I don’t know how many the first presidency approves, but I hear not many. If it endangers the investigator’s life, we’re not allowed to baptize them.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I’m Driving Now!

My Companion’s name is Sara Jane Jordan. She fractured her ankle on Wednesday night. Her Fibula, the non-weight bearing bone, was broken at the nubby part of the ankle. She was walking off a sidewalk to a driveway, of a house we had just tracked, and didn’t see that it was a step down, and rolled her ankle. We heard it crack. We went home and she got a blessing from the member we stay with and his Home Teaching partner. Then on Thursday, her 22nd birthday, we went and had it x-rayed, she was given a partial cast so that the swelling would go down. Now she’s going to be put in a boot that she can take off to shower. That is, as soon as we get it.

We got a new investigator on Monday, and it was just me for awhile, because Sister Jordan had to catch up on her crutches. My first by myself (basically) investigator! We were walking to the car and I saw a man jogging, so I asked my comp if he was too far away. She said to go after him. I didn’t catch up to him, but I did travel quite a bit of parking lot, (maybe an 1 /8 of a mile) and got to a young woman who was just going out to her car to get something from the trunk. She’s the new investigator.

On Friday we were on “House Arrest” by the Mission Mom, and the one appointment that we got to go to we got a new investigator at! An Elder in our district called that a Sister Miracle :) . On Saturday Sister Pain, the lady of the home we stay in, gave me a bit of a voice lesson. I helped her record songs for one of her students on a voice recorder that was a bit too new-fangled for her. She opened it to 3 octaves, but she said that I have more than that. She said that I need to relax and push the sap (air) and not move the tree (me).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letter from Sister Larsen-Oakton, VA

Hello My Loved Ones,
My Companion is on her fourth transfer and this is her second transfer being senior. In her letter from President Wixom, right before the transfer last week, it said that we’re going to bless each other. She’s a ballet dancer who loves math, is going to be a nurse practitioner and she’s taken calculus classes for fun. She says that my personality is like one of her sisters. We’re getting along really well.

The ward we’re over is really missionary oriented and has only 20 less active/non-active members. I’m going to get to ride a bicycle every once in awhile because the area is big, and we try to be good on miles.

My companion takes Adderal (AD/HD meds), and she says that if I have AD/HD it’s not bad. So I’m going to try to eat more Omaga-3s in my diet. She’s taken many classes and she says that’s what makes the chemical relays go faster. Flax loses its nutrients very fast, and I would have to grind it myself for it to be of any real value. Also, I work hard during exercise time in the morning.

Isaac does riding your bike 30-45 miles a day help your brain a lot?

Oh, I sang a duet with one of the returning missionaries the Thursday after transfers at the departing missionary fireside, and my new companion played the piano. The song is in the primary song book, I think it’s on page 182. It’s a four page song for leaders. I sang soprano for all and descant only on the third verse. I was told that Sister Wixom cried afterwards. A line was changed in the 3rd verse, something like, “When they are …grown” (can’t remember because I didn’t sing it) to “When they are on their own.” And I’ll get taught from Sister Linda Pain while I’m here. She’s really sought after as a voice teacher.

If I had the spiritual gift of empathy how do I deal with it? I’m still trying to figure out if I do or what.

Sister Larsen.

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Transfer-Elder Isaac Larsen

My area is the Tanglewood area. Sounds pretty gangster, huh? Paige got switched fast. I was only with my trainer three months, and four ½ months is standard. I love it here. I’ve already grown, and my comp is the coolest! We’ve already decided to become samurai after the mission and battle. I’m a little bummed I left my last area so soon because we had 17 baptismal dates, and I didn't get to see any of them.

Oh, I need new pants! Tear…tear. I badly destroyed a pair of pants from my blue suit when I had a bike accident. My knees hurt pretty badly, but it will go away. I’m tough. I kept tapping my Comp’s back wheel when we were riding, and I said, “Stop! Stop!” I didn't stop. Then I went over my handle bars, and rolled down a hill. It was pretty hilarious. We still laugh about it. Then later I crashed in the street on the curb somehow. I don’t know how that one happened. It was really fast, but long story short, I need new pants.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Letter from Sister Larsen-Oakton, VA

Hello…Did you know that winter is coming?
We’re starting to cool down over here. Today’s in the 60’s.
Since Monday I’ve been in a triple with a Sister who is finishing her mission on Friday (cause that’s the day they’re put on the plane). Her name is Melanie Parry, and she’s from Alpine Utah. She’s going to be a middle school English teacher. Her trainee went home on a plane at 4pm Monday because she’s been having some yet to be diagnosed problems, and because her mom has MS. They weren’t going to wait to send her home. So Sister Parry and Sister Clark (her trainee) are planning on hanging out on Saturday. I told Sister Parry about Prop 8, and she wants to spend a few weeks in California helping by knocking on doors. She wants to take some friends and go live at one of her old companion’s parent’s homes. So Sister Parry may be calling you to get more information, not that she’d be staying with you, but to be informed. If you could get her connected, that would be great.
I’m being transferred to another ward in the Oakton Zone in the Oakton Stake. It is called the Oakton Ward, and it is only covered by Sisters. We live with an amazing voice teacher and her Husband. I went on a 24 hour transfer over there. She’s 70 and has no warble.
On Tuesday we found a man that was so ready. Sister Parry said it was like a skills practice at District Meetings. We asked him how to find the truth? He answered, “If I understand the question, in the Bible it talks about fruits of the spirit, and that ‘by their fruits ye shall know them.’ (It’s great to be in this triple.) But he wouldn’t set up a return appointment. He said he wanted to read first, and then he’d call. A good sign: right after we parked on his street to tract and we were about to pray, the Elders pulled on the street. We talked, and then they were inspired to tract a different street.
I love you all. I got the printout of Grandma’s blog yesterday and haven’t even read all of it. The envelope was so thick.
I know that every step we take in the right direction makes everything we do clearer. In that exact obedience brings the blessings from heaven down. I’m getting closer.
Love, Sister Larsen

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

August 20, 2008 – Excerpts from Elder Larsen

I love the binder! Although the picture on the front, the one where my laundry is over one shoulder and I’m next to a statue, the caption said Elder Isaac Larsen with Joseph Smith statue, when in fact it was a statue of Samuel Smith, the first missionary in this dispensation.

Last week my companion mentioned I had been out seven weeks or so, which surprised me. I feel like I was born in the field.

Oh, I’m starting to become more organized. On the photo chip I’m sending home there is a video where I compare my desk with my companion’s desk. My desk is really messy, but now we live somewhere else and my desk and stuff, including hanging up my clothes, are neater.

My diet consists of a lot of fast food because we live so far from town. We can’t go back home to eat. It says in the white handbook not to eat lots of fast food because of money, but we got special permission from the mission president himself. But I think I’m going to pack a lunch from here on out to save money. I also discovered a whole new world of canned meat. Corn beef, yum!

Anyways, oh yeah, how’s your food storage? It’s only going to get harder the way gas prices keep going up, which brings me to another thought. A lot of people are buying scooters to save gas. The good ones get like a hundred miles to the gallon, no joke. It has to do with the weight force ratio. Anyway, I saw a man, he must have been 90 years old, going up a hill on a putt, putt scooter, and it was really funny.

Oh, did I ever mention I have developed a resistance to salmonella and other types of food poisoning from the bad habits I had at home? When I was at home, sometimes I would eat old food from the back of the frig. Recently, I ate the same thing as my companion, and all I got was gas and a few gurgles. He was in the bathroom, like forever, I swear. LOL. For a while he couldn’t even get the bike seat between his legs.

Oh yeah, pray for my stamina. We bike everywhere and the fast food is taking its toll. I weigh about 170 so I lost about 5 pounds, but I’m chopping wood tomorrow so I’ll bulk up a little. Chopping is pretty fun, but keep in mind they aren’t small pieces of wood. They are the width of a tree before I split it. After I split it, I’m lucky if it’s not sawdust because I’m so strong. Just joking, LOL. Ha, Ha. I’m just funning about the sawdust.

Pray that the drought will end. We are 15 inches behind and wells are drying up. Preferably pray it will rain at night so I won’t get soaked.

Look up online how to make hush puppies, and chicken and dumplings; mmmm, tasty!

Oh yeah, find out how much Cherokee I have in me because there is a reservation a couple of areas away. Oh, and find out what tribe of Cherokee.

Oh yeah, Mom and Dad, you need to rally the ranks and get everyone to send more letters. Oh yeah, next care package, just forgo the candy and send a sweet potato pie, mmmm goodness!

Hush Puppies Recipe
Chicken and Dumplings Recipe
Sweet Potato Pie Recipe,foo-nws-bhoney26r1.recipe

Email Excerpts from Sister Larsen

My Companion’s 22nd birthday was on the 12th of August.

Tracting is where you get mission stories. Yesterday at the end of the night, but while it was still light, we were standing at a door waiting for someone to come. A nice, middle-aged 40-something lady came to the door. I don’t think we had really even said anything when she had said, “Oh hi, come on in.” I was shocked, to say the least, because I had noticed a window sticker about a Catholic Pope. My companion hadn’t seen the sticker, and while walking inside asked if she was a member. She wasn’t, she was Catholic. The lady then told us, that about two weeks, ago her priest had spoken about how he had invited a couple of people inside a home he was staying at to learn more about their religion. She was following her priest’s example. So we talked about our religion, and we learned more about Catholics. She fed us cheese, crackers, and fruit while she was fixed her and her husband’s dinner. Her husband came home five minutes after we came in. He had been out jogging. So we ate and they ate. We talked, and left them some things to read. But they’re not investigators.

I have sore shoulder muscles on my right side. When I was going down the Van Luvan’s basement steps for my exercise Tuesday morning, my socks slipped on the carpeted step. I ended up just sitting down with my hand still on the basement doorknob. I had to go put Aspercreme on it because it hurt when I tried to use those muscles, but I’m better now.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Area – Email from Sister Larsen

In my new area I gained an hour of P-day with no Language Study. I live in our Ward Mission Leader’s home, the Van Luvans. They converted when they were married. They can’t have kids but they have a beagle named Lucy that they spoil and love. Brother Van Luvan works at Saveway in some office position, and Sister Van Luvan works with computers; that’s what I can remember. He said he would print out your letters for me so that I don’t have to pay for them, and he can do pictures (resize them for me and print them). So don’t be afraid to send them by email.

My new companion’s name is Sister Keil. She’s from Orem, UT, one of four kids, and she has a brother whose about to go on a mission to Macon, Georgia. My last Companion had a brother serving in the Taiwan Mission, and she was my current companion’s trainer too. My area is bigger and I’m doing more tracking then before because we don’t have anywhere to street contact. The population is more spread out then in the city.

And, have you heard? Elise Johnson is in my Ward; Sister Keil had a member visit already set up before I got to the area. When I saw her on Sunday she came up to Sister Keil to talk about when our visit was. I waited for a pause and said, “Are you my cousin?” There was a pause/stare and I thought. “Oh great, she’s not.” But she was. And I call her Sister Johnson. She recently had a baby girl who they named Ashley. (Elise Johnson’s mom and Sister Larsen’s dad are brother and sister.)

Sister Hickey is back home in Wyoming and still being diagnosed. We get updates from the Van Luvans because they talk to her parents. Whatever her illness was caused by it wasn’t environmental because she still has it in Wyoming.

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008 – Email from Elder Larsen

The work is going well. We started teaching a man with narcolepsy who used to be a truck driver. Oh and we started working with a less active member with a special son named Aden. He is very sweet. I don’t know the name of his specialness, but I had a lot of fun playing with him, while being careful not to pick him up because you know that’s against the rules.

I’m bold and I talk a lot about the apostasy and the restoration because if you don’t people think it’s just a Bible study, or they are all, “Why are you here?” I learned that in the MTC. I’m new, and my companion and I are leading the zone in a number of key indicators. One that’s not so good, and one we struggle with, is church attendance for members, non-members, and less actives. A lot of stuff that has worked for my trainer in other areas isn't working here. Do you have any suggestions about getting people to church?

Oh, and this was exciting the other day, a week or so ago, my companion drove into a ditch because he wasn't paying attention to my back up hand signals. And then yesterday I was signaling him, but he kept going into the bushes so I thought he wasn't paying attention. So I stopped signaling, which is when he apparently realized he needed hand signals, but seeing me signal nothing, he went back into a ditch, leaving the front wheel off the ground. Keep in mind it’s front-wheel drive. So I sat on the hood to give it traction, and he backed out of the ditch, dragging me through overhanging trees and bushes, and whatever was living in them. I continued to direct him backwards this time from the hood. In short, it was a good time.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Transfer Day Tomorrow

I don’t know, and won’t know what happens with target lady because I’m moving to a different Zone, Oakton Stake. I’ll be in Franklin Ward, and I‘ll get my new companion tomorrow. My MTC companion, Sister Hickey, has to go home for medical reasons, and I’m going to her area that she just left, with her trainer as my breaker, who was trained by my trainer. My new area will be more like what Isaac has and I’ll not have language study hour anymore. Right now my schedule is:
6:30-7:00am Exercise…7-8 Shower/breakfast/get ready…8-9 Personal study…9-10 Companion study…10-11 Language study…11-12 Lunch/get ready to leave…12-4 Missionary work…4-5 Dinner…5-9 Missionary work…9-9:30 Planning for next day…10:30pm In bed ready to sleep.

I went on two missionary exchanges this month. One on Friday/Saturday in the Stake I’m going to next, and the other on Monday/Tuesday with one of my roommates. My roommate, Sister Battsetseg, is quiet and her heart was acting up on her when we were on exchanges. On Sunday we taught two lessons in members homes, and we got out concerns from our investigators. On one we took a young mother, and on the other we took a recent RM from the Philippians to speak Tagalog for us. Sister Parry in Fair Oaks has one transfer left and she’s super great. She can talk with anyone and makes good cookies.

Oh, and in the stake I’m leaving, they added a new ward and rearranged the boundaries to even people out. The wards are Great Falls, McLean 1st & 2nd, Falls Church, Arlington 1st & 2nd, Langley (YSA), and Bella Vista (Spanish). There used to be only one Arlington Ward.

Yo se que el libro de Mormon es de dios.

I have a couple of sentences on cards that I’ve memorized so that I can give them a Spanish Book of Mormon pass-a-long card. I’ve only used that last one once. It was on Monday.

Do you know what an Aggressive Asian Tiger Mosquito* is? Well, they have stripes and are out all day long, and they cause bigger bite reactions.

*Asian Tiger Mosquito
First found in the United States in Harris Co., Texas, in 1985, the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is now present in more than thirty states. In the Northeast, it has been reported from York County, Pennsylvania to Cumberland, Salem, and Monmouth counties in New Jersey. Most alarming is that the Asian tiger mosquito has demonstrated the ability to survive in states as far north as Minnesota and Delaware. Unlike many other breeds, the Asian Tiger Mosquito is an aggressive day-biter and is most active from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It breeds in artificial containers such as tires, flowerpots and rain gutters. It does not travel far from its breeding habitat. The aedes albopictus eggs can survive very cold winters. As a result the Asian Tiger Mosquito has great potential to carry diseases into a substantial portion of the United States.

Sources: AMCA Newsletter, Aug. 1990, Wing Beats. Novak, Robert. "The Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus." 1992. Vol.

Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4, 2008-Email from Elder Larsen

New Address
Elder Isaac Larsen
125 Cherokee Dr.
Marion, NC 28752

I moved and I’ll move again in three months. It’s just how they house the missionaries in this area. I’m up to 175lbs. and I haven't even moved a notch on my belt. I’m pretty strong. I split oak logs for 2 hours the other day, and didn't even slow down until the end. I’m like a tiny well-groomed mountain man. LOL.

It’s getting crazy hot. It’s like 95° and raining. That’s how humid it gets, but however much it rains it's not enough. We are in a drought, a very humid drought! Lots of people have gardens, but not like out west. They basically farm in their backyards. It’s like Mexico here, except different food, and most people are white. LOL. I do use my Spanish a lot for the small population of Hispanics, but it’s small to what I’m used to.

I’ve had a lot of missionary experiences this week. Every moment is one, but we are going to have a couple of baptisms on the 23rd of this month, and possibly more, but we’ll see. The work is good, and I’m learning and growing everyday. The people that are getting baptized are Andy and Tina. Andy quit school in the 9th grade and he has a real hard time reading. He has read part of the Book of Mormon, and knows it’s true, but he needs the Book of Mormon on CD. Pray that they well have an easy time accepting the commandments. I haven't taught the Word of Wisdom yet, but Andy asked for me to pray that he will be able to quit smoking, thumbs up there. They are beautiful people. Not a penny to their name, but he has a disability check coming.

My trainer’s name is Elder Sean Merrill, which is funny because I was with an Elder Merrill in the MTC. We will be together for about another seven weeks or so.

I’m glad you were able to get something out of my letters. It just goes to show you, you can learn from the most unlikely of sources. LOL. I learn everyday from the people we teach. Keep me in your prayers that I’ll get stronger on the bike because on some of those hills I feel like walking my bike. LOL.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30, 2008-Email from Sister Larsen

Sister Paige Larsen pointing to a map of her zone.

Sister Nelson-Sister Larsen's Trainer

"I’m becoming more confident, and more comfortable with normal missionary activities.
I’m becoming more dedicated then I was." ~Sister Larsen

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 28, 2008-Letter excerpts from Elder Larsen

...........Poison Ivy..............Poison Oak........Poison Sumac
Here, when they find out you’re LDS, they just leave, that moment, very abruptly. LOL. In Marion, where I’m assigned, there is only one ward of 150 or so active members, and 95% of them are converts. This area is exciting! My area spans 2 counties, Mitchell and McDowell. There are no big cities, all small towns (very small), but we are doing good work. We bike mostly where we live. It’s so far from town that we use all our miles getting there, and then we get on our bikes to ride around town, and this is a "full car" area. (Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!) Anyways, I love it. I’ll be able to do the Tour de France when I’m done. There are more hills than you can comprehend. I’m a little surprised when I don't see a hill, but I peddle up and down them all. It’s like living at scout camp. I swam through poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac today. Thankfully I’m not allergic apparently; LOL, but I might be next year. It comes and goes from what people say.

Feed the missionaries in Oceanside. I’d like to challenge you to go out with the missionaries, and use your conversion story to help others. Most of the few active members are converts, and their conversion stories help to bring people to Christ’s restored gospel. The story you have is more valuable then you know.

I am learning a lot out here, but this I do know, the more we testify the more the Lord will bless us with his Spirit, and with his Spirit there is nothing that we cannot do!

Send me some letters in the post. I need something to read when it’s not p-day. I can only read email on p-day. And send cookies! =]

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 23, 2008-Letter from Sister Larsen

I get to go the DC temple to day! :)

I learned how to pronounce Moroni 10:5 in Swahili from our investigator’s non-member aunt, which totally started a gospel conversation. Her aunt had been a missionary in Rwanda, so she knew her stuff. But she taught in French, so she didn’t have all her words. Roho Mtakatifu is the holy ghost/spirit.

Oh, and I sang the primary song, “We’ll Bring the World His Truth”, that army of Helaman song, in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, my companion played the piano. I made sure I had the song memorized. The first week I got there I asked the music person if we could do that. I did that because one of my MTC teachers said that you can’t always get to know everyone in the ward (in that you need to gain the trust of the members of the ward) so try to get them to know you, and singing in sacrament meeting was one of his examples. We have close to 400 people at church on Sundays. It’s really transient; internships, government training, and school. There is no way I could get to know everyone. So I went waaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone for the good of the work. Man I was shaking after wards but I got through it without any major mess-ups. :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

July 21, 2008-Email from Elder Larsen

I’m in a super small town. Well, towns in my area that are only covered by my companion and me span two counties, McDowell and Mitchell. Look them up on a map or something. The funny thing about a small town is that it’s usually geographically larger. It’s just everything is spread out so we ride our bikes a lot. I’m getting in pretty good shape, especially after biking Spruce Pine. In that town there is only one hill that the entire town seems to be built on, but I rode it all in first gear. LOL

My bike is pretty terrific. I mean it ought to be if I spent $450 on it, and it is. When I get back, Ian and I are going to race. Oh yeah, remember how I said I was 160lbs. I’m still 160lbs., but I’m losing all the excess. So I guess it’s my new weight, and I’m taller. My last two companions were 5'6 and I was taller then both of them, so I’m now anywhere between 5'7 and 5'8. That’s pretty exciting, eh? Your brother’s a giant. I’m also getting pretty tan/burnt from being in the sun all day.

I’m loving it here, and to answer Paige’s question in the email, “Yes I do use my camelback a lot because I’m biking most everywhere. I don't drive ever. Only the senior companions do. That way they only insure half the missionaries. So I’ll drive when I’m about nine months out. My comp is from Arizona, and they passed some law there so his driver’s license expires in 2054. Wild, huh? Anyways, there is a terrible drought here, and peoples’ wells are drying up. So pray for rain.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008 – Letter from Sister Larsen

Where Sister Larsen is serving the weather is hot and humid. She writes, “I love my camelback water bottle. I bet Isaac really uses his camelback backpack since he’s on a bike.”

Where Sister Larsen is serving there are many people from around the world. She wrote, “My Stake is the one in the mission that has the little bit of Washington DC in it. So many people are here from around the world. People keep lists of the people they talk to, of what countries their from, and the list can be near a hundred. People are usually only here for a little bit, like for school or training for the government.”

Sister Larsen wrote, “I keep having to learn new ways to greet and hug people from other cultures. It’s nice when I know what I’m doing; otherwise it’s awkward.” Sister Larsen learned the custom for greeting people from Eritria. She writes, “In Eritria they hug gently and touch cheeks 3 times changing sides after each one.” Sister Larsen went on to explain that Eritria is a small country at war in Africa near the Middle East.

Paige posed this question, “Have you read, ‘Ask In Faith’ by Elder Bednar from last General Conference? Are you being missionaries? It is part of the baptismal covenant to stand as a witness at all times, in all places. Are you being an active witness?”

This link should take you to Elder Bednar’s talk from April 2008 General Conference:,5232,23-1-851-31,00.html

July 16, 2008 – Email from Sister Larsen

In 1 Nephi 1:8, Nephi is describing a dream his father has had, and it describes God as being surrounded on numberless concourses of angels. He is usually described like this. We are taught that we were with him before we came to this earth. So in the margin I put 'surrounded by his children'. His children are always in his presence before we come to earth and he wants us to always be round him. He wants us to talk and be helped by him and Jesus Christ. We are 'his work and his glory'. All the energy he uses is for us. He is the greatest example of being a dad.

I’m working on being able to pronounce, or memorizing Moroni 10:5 in Swahili. We have a family from Rwanda that’s Seventh-day Adventist. Her grandfather was a Seventh-day Adventist Preacher. So religion is part of their family. If you have any tips on pronouncing Swahili, I would not be adverse to it. :)

My MTC district Sisters say I’ve changed the most, because I’m really coming out of my shell to them. I really do talk to more people now then any time in my life.

I've been doing well, no homesickness, never once, even in the MTC. I only ever really think about Isaac, and thinking I wish my release date was closer to his. Already knowing I'm going to dearly miss being on my mission.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Isaac Loves North Carolina

Elder Larsen writes, "I love it here, and I love the people. Oh, and I’m speaking Spanish even though I’m an English speaking missionary. The Spanish missionaries are too far away and never come down here so I’ve been working on my Spanish at lunch and on p-days. I now know enough to give a pass-a-long card, explain what the Book of Mormon is, and get a return appointment, but not enough to teach. So I mostly use Spanglish, which seems to endear me to them."

Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7, 2008 - Email from Elder Larsen

Life is good in the city of Marion. We got 14 new investigators this week alone. We usually get somewhere between 1 and 3 per day. So even in the Bible belt the field is white. The work is good, and I love it! There is nothing like it.

Still lots of dogs and no leash laws, but I’m getting used to it. The other day a dog was running after us when we were on foot, and I don't know if you know this, but you can't out run a dog on foot no mater what. I got nervous, but my companion just yelled stop! Stay! When it kept barking he yelled no! Stay! And we just walked away. It was pretty cool.

One thing I learned yesterday is that you can't trust your gut, just the spirit. The other day we knocked on the door to a house (we don't tracked often but we do, do it) and I made eye contact with the man one house down. He shook his head, which I took to mean, don't stop here. No one was home at the house we were at, so as we passed by his house. We talked and were friendly, but I wasn't intending to teach because we only teach people that want to be taught. I was wrong and he let us share our message, and we committed him to read certain parts of the Book of Mormon we gave him, and we got a return appointment, which qualified him as new investigator status.

Life is good, work is hard, fasting is tough, but the lord is watching out for us, and we know that as long as we are obedient that if anything bad happens it will be for our good; like its says at the end of section 122 of the Doctrine and Covenants. It is great to be here!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July Celebration

This is Sister Larsen and Sister Nelson having a grand time at the home of their investigator Grace with her friends. Sister Nelson writes, "We ate lots of delicious and strange foods. Amazing what you can down on your mission . . ."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Elder Isaac Larsen Has Arrived in North Carolina!

Downtown Marion, NC

Park in Marion, NC
Elder Isaac Larsen is serving in the Marion Ward of the Ashville, North Carolina Stake. He and his companion, Elder Merrill, live with the second counselor of the ward. They are on bikes and in a car. Elder Larsen writes, “We use the car to drive to a farther part of our area and bike around, so I’m a biker. My legs hurt because Marion is covered in nothing but steep rolling hills and rough dirt roads. There were some super fun mountain biking moments that were pretty much just awesome. The good thing about being on a bike is that we cover more area than walking, but talk to more people than riding in the car. My first day we had 25 I.T.Ls (invitations to learn), and that made about 75 for the week. It’s great here. I love it! There are challenges. Some people don't like us, and we get chased by big scary dogs on our bikes, but I know as long as I keep the mission rules I will be safe.”

Sister Paige Larsen Has Arrived in Virginia!

Sister Paige Larsen writes, “My companion’s name is Erica Nelson. She’s from Riverside County in California, and she has been out for over a year. My MTC comp’s trainer was trained by my trainer. Sister Nelson is really good for me. We’re in a car and biking is optional, but we’d need to get one of the bikes fixed first. We do walk, track sometimes, and street contact. We go to the Metro commuter station more often then other places.”

Sister Paige Larsen is serving in the Falls Church Ward of the McLean Stake near Arlington, Virginia. She reports that she has a great companion. They have language study with the Mongolian sisters, Sister Munkhnaran and Sister Battseseg, each morning to help improve their English. Sister Larsen has learned that it’s important to teach with the spirit. She writes, “It's been good, I'm opening my mouth more, loving the people more, and understanding how far apart things are.”

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Isaac Is Thriving in North Carolina

I just heard from a family that fed Isaac dinner tonight. Sister Young was very complimentary about Isaac. She said it was the first time they had gotten a brand new missionary. She referred to Isaac as a cheerleader. He must be very enthusiastic. His mission area is large and very mountainous. He is in a car and he has a bike. Isaac is living with the 2nd counselor from the Marion Ward of the Ashville Stake. He is obviously happy and thriving.
-Reported by Isaac’s Mom

Friday, June 20, 2008

MTC Companions - June 2008

Elder Briggs and Elder Isaac Larsen

The Larsen Siblings at the MTC-June 2008

Sister Paige Larsen and Elder Isaac Larsen

Elder Larsen's MTC District

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beginning the MTC Experience

Sister Paige Larsen and Elder Isaac Larsen were escorted to the MTC in Provo, Utah by Margot, Bryan, Peter, and Cooper.

Sister Paige Larsen, Margot & Elder Isaac Larsen

Margot, Peter, Cooper, and Bryan

Elder Isaac Larsen
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Just Before Entering the MTC

Sister Paige Larsen and Elder Isaac Larsen draw your attention to the sign announcing their arrival at the MTC.
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Walking to the MTC

Paige and Isaac entered the Missionary Training Center (MTC) on June 4, 2008. They were very excited and the rain did not deter their sunny dispositions.

Sister Paige Larsen

Elder Isaac Larsen
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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mission Calls

Paige and Isaac received their mission calls on the same day. It was very exciting. The entire family gathered to hear the news. Those that were not physically present listened by telephone. Bryan made it possible for several people to listen by conference call. Ian and Amanda were listening from Hawaii. Margot, Peter, and Cooper were listening from Lehi, Utah. Bryan was listening from Lindon, Utah. Grandma Bonnie was listening from Pomona, CA. Paige's friend Catie listened from Dallas, Texas.

Paige opened her envelop first. She was delighted to be called to the Washington DC South Mission. She couldn't stop smiling.
Isaac opened his next, and he was happily surprised to be called to the North Carolina, Charlotte Mission.
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